The New Mexico Meteor Array

Citizen Science Contributing to Meteor Data Collection

Raspberry Meteor System (RMS), Global Meteor Network (GMN), Croatian Meteor Network (CMN)

Startlink satellites recorded UTC 16-Feb, 2020

Perseid Meteor Shower, UTC 13-Aug, 2019

Meteor Station US000J, Magdalena

Stacked Image of Nightlong Meteor Capture

Meteor Radiants

Data file corresponding to the Radiants plot shown above

Time Lapse Movie of Nightlong Video Recording

Meteor Station US0001, Albuquerque South Valley

Stacked Image of Nightlong Meteor Capture

Meteor Radiants

Time Lapse Movie of Nightlong Video Recording

Meteor Station US0002, Albuquerque South Valley

Stacked Image of Nightlong Meteor Capture

Meteor Radiants

Time Lapse Movie of Nightlong Video Recording

  Page updated: February 19, 2020